Thursday, October 16, 2014

Interesting Facts About Food Allergies

A food allergy is when the immune system of your body will react unusually to a certain food. These reactions are often mild; however, they might become very serious.

Some Facts About Food Allergies

Eating Eggs
It might take a couple of minutes, hours or days for a certain food to cause an allergic reaction. Food allergies are usually known as the “eat now, pay later” phenomenon.
Food allergy symptoms usually vary in severity. For instance, a child after eating a peanut butter sandwich might develop a nuisance-like rash around the mouth while another child might experience wheezing.
More than 90% of food allergies are caused by 7 foods – shellfish, wheat, gluten, peanuts, dairy products, soy, and egg whites.
Allergy symptoms usually change with age. In fact, most children outgrow their allergies by the time they reach the age of 3. Usually, children outgrow their sensitivity to milk and soy products whereas allergies to shellfish and nuts tend to persist.
Food allergies won’t interfere with a child’s growth. A child who is allergic to a certain food can actually get similar nutrition in other foods.
When you are allergic to one food in a certain food group, there is a greater chance that you will also become allergic to other foods within that group.
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