Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Common Types Of Lawn Diseases Illinois Property Owners Contend With

Trusted lawn care specialists in Illinois
Although there are over 70 diseases of turf grass species worldwide, lawns in Illinois are usually only affected by a few. These lawn diseases are usually caused by a fungus that lives off of the grass. They commonly appear as spots, circles, or dry patches in colors that range from yellow, brown, or red.

Lawn Diseases In Illinois

Below are the most common types of lawn diseases in Illinois:

Brown patch.
This type of lawn disease is most common to Bermuda, Kentucky Bluegrass, Centipede Grass, Bent Grass, St. Augustine, and ryegrasses in areas with high humidity or shade. Brown patch lawn disease attacks many types of grass and feeds off yards that receive a large amount of fast release nitrogen fertilizer. It is caused by a fungus called Rhizoctonia and usually appears during the summer.

Dollar spots.
Dollar spots are most common to Kentucky Bluegrass, Bent Grass, and Bermuda. This diseas tend to thrive during drought conditions with heavy dews and in lawns with low levels of nitrogen. Dollar spot lawn disease kills the turf clear to the roots which in turn causes serious scarring of the lawn.

Red thread. This disease is most common to Fescues, Ryegrasses, and Kentucky Bluegrasses during times of moist and cool weather. Red thread gets its name from the pinkish-red threads that form around the leaf blades and bind them together. The affected grass will then turn brown and the red treads will be highly visible when wet. The grass will then have a “water soaked” appearance and darkened irregular areas from just a few inches to several feet across. These areas eventually become bleached or tan colored. Healthy plants are then interspersed with diseased plants and hence give the lawn an overall shabby look.

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