Thursday, November 5, 2015

What Causes Crooked Teeth In Children?

leading cosmetic and aesthetic dental clinic in UAE
Having straight or perfectly aligned teeth depends a lot on the development of your pearly whites when you were a child. The crucial years in teeth development happens between the ages of 6 – 12 years.  During these years, children usually start losing their baby teeth, starting at around six years of age. From 6 - 12 years, kids will have a mixture of adult and baby teeth. Around 10 – 12 years,  a child’s baby teeth at the back are replaced. By this age, most kids will already have all their adult teeth, with the exception of the third molars or the wisdom teeth. During these years, it is important children get all the help they can get to make sure they have straight teeth that they can carry with them during adulthood.

To help your kids have naturally straight teeth, you have to aid them in avoiding the usual causes of having crooked teeth. These are:

Tooth decay. If the baby teeth of your child is unhealthy or is covered with plaque and decay, there is a risk that that there won’t be enough space in your child’s jaw for his or her adult teeth to grow in properly. As such, it is essential to keep your child's teeth healthy by teaching him or her to drink from a bottle by 12 to 14 months, avoiding the use of a pacifier, regularly brushing teeth with a small amount of toothpaste, and flossing after all the baby teeth have all erupted.

Thumb-sucking. Thumb-sucking is a natural reflex that helps soothe children. However, this can also damage the alignment of a kid’s teeth and the roofs of his or her mouth. According to a study, vigorous thumb-suckers are especially likely to experience dental problems than kids who simply rest their thumb in their mouth.

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