Monday, May 16, 2016

Common Pest Problems In Alabama Turfs

leading lawn care and landscaping service provider in Alabama

Pests are the number one enemies of lawns. They can come in various size and shapes. Aside from the usual large pests such as rodents that can cause damage to your lawn, there are also smaller ones that can also destroy the healthy condition and aesthetic appeal of your yard or garden.

In Alabama, the most common pest problems turfs have here include the following:

Fire ants – In Alabama, both red and black fire ants are considered invasive species. Aside from being pests that can damage one’s turf, their bites can also painful and fatal. Fire ant mounds found on lawns can grow gigantic in size and can cause damage to mowers.

Grubs - The U.S. Department of Agriculture released a report stating that Japanese beetle grubs cause around $234 million in damage per year. $78 million covers control costs and $156 million for replacement of damaged turf. White grubs are indeed regarded by many as one of the most damaging turf insect pests in the USA.

Mole crickets – These pests come to the surface and feed on various organic materials, including grass, plants, and other types of small organisms, including insects. Mole crickets usually feed at night during warm weather and after rain showers or irrigation.

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