Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Commonly Used Kinds Of Organic Fertilizers

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Fertilizers are elements that are added to the soil or applied directly to plants to enhance their growth and strength. These substances are also added to the soil to make it more fertile so that the plants that grow on it become strong and get all the important nutrients they need.

There are two main types of fertilizers: organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers are top dressings made of natural substances. Inorganic or chemical ones are made of artificial products.

Popular Types Of Organic Fertilizers

Below are the most commonly used kinds of organic fertilizers:

Manure. Animal manure is one of the most common fertilizers since it is a well-balanced fertilizer one when used in organic gardening. Manure that comess from chicken and other grass-fed animals are usually used for this type of top dressing. Bat Guano is also considered as one of the best organic fertilizers used today.

Bone meal.
Bone meal is made out of crushed bones of organisms. It contains phosphorus (highly beneficial for plant use) and calcium. It is a type of fertilizer that offers a long-term fertilization solution.

Cottonseed meal. This is another type of popularly used natural fertilizer which also goes through a composting process. Cottonseed meal is usually used for plants that are tolerable to acids because it usually has an acidic reaction when this fertilizer comes into contact with the soil. It can also be applied on flowering plants.

Seaweed or kelp fertilizer. Dried brown seaweed that is not roasted or seasoned is a good type of compost. It is normally created by just adding dried seaweed into some water. Aside from applying it on the soil, this mixture can be used as a liquid fertilizer to spray on plants. It is a highly recommended natural fertilizer since does not harm or burn plants and it is full of nutrients such as minerals and plant growth hormones.

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