Thursday, August 4, 2016

What is the Most Profitable Movie Ever Made in the Film Industry?
Film is one of the most commonly known forms of mass media. Films are regarded as a very crucial form of art. They offer many things to audiences from entertaining to educating, enlightening, and giving inspiration. Producing a film can bring huge profits but can also be a huge gamble.

Did you know that Walt Disney’s classic movie Peter Pan, the original version, is one of the top notch movies of all times in terms of profit? It had been shown in 1953 with a budget of 4 million dollars and gained more than a hundred million dollars in profit ($139,757,67 to be exact)!

And the movie with the highest return of investment to date is a horror film – the Paranormal Activity shown in 2007. It recorded an ROI of 19, 749 percent!

There are many ways to measure a success in filming or creating movies. While many would think that being a box office movie is a sure sign of great profit, it’s not always the case. There are many notable movies, like Titanic and Toy Story 3 to name a few, that have made it to the list of the highest grossing film of all times. However, they were not really that profitable, gaining just around hundred times its budget or even less.

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