Friday, November 14, 2014

Facts And Figures About People With Disability Living In Australia

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The most recent survey conducted in Australia, which was back in 2012, regarding disability and ageing states that around 4.2 million locals or 18.5% of the population have disabilities. Since the survey was conducted more than 2 years ago, it is expected by most people that the figures or statistics regarding Australians with disabilities may have increased.

Australia’s Disability Statistics

Aside from the above figure, other statistics were of found out from the same survey. Below are some of the facts and figures about Australians with disabilities you should be aware of:

• Queensland has a lower incidence of disability when compared to the other states such as New South Wales and Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. This is because in Queensland, just 17.7% of the local population or less than 1 in every 5 Queenslanders have a disability. 

• It was estimated that about 236,200 Queenslanders of all ages have a profound or severe disability. Individuals with a profound or severe disability pertains to people who require assistance to handle and cope with their daily activities or routines, including core activities such as communication, self-care and mobility.

• Of all the people with a disability in Australia who need constant care, services and assistance, the percentage or breakdown of this group are as follows:

- 29% needed assistance with health care
- 23% required assistance with mobility or movement
- 16% required assistance with self-care activities

Info source:

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