Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Evolution Of Gyms

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For a lot of people, going to the gym has become sort of a routine and ritual for them. They have to go to the gym at least twice a week to burn off any unwanted calories or fats and also as a way to de-stress and let off some steam.

But how did gyms start? Below is a look at the history and evolution of this popular and well-loved health and fitness establishment:

• The first gyms were established in Ancient Greece. The word “gym” is actually a contraction of gymnasium, which is derived from the ancient Greek word gymnasion. These “gymnasions” were places wherein athletes were trained for public games such as the Olympics.

• After the first Greek gyms disappeared, these fitness centers started becoming popular again during the 19th century, thanks various schools, colleges and the YMCA. Sometime in the middle of the 19th century, the Turnvereine (gymnastics unions) movement inspired the founding of the Turners - German-American gymnastics clubs.

• The 1930s gave way to the first boxing gyms. Cus D’Amanto’s Gramercy Gym was established in Manhattan in 1939 and is said to be first official boxing gym.

• In 1965, Joe Gold started the first gym chain, which is still popular even today: Gold’s Gym. He also founded the World Gym chain back in 1977.

• The mass popularization of gyms began in the 1990s. Thanks to celebrity endorsements and members, gym membership continues to rise and this fitness establishment will certainly continue to be popular among millions of people worldwide.

Info source:

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