What will happen to the world when there are no trees? Well, there will be no shade for people during sunny days, no place for animals to live in, and no trees for people to climb. Indeed, it is very hard for someone to imagine a world without trees.
Facts About Trees
Trees are like human beings. They have a natural life cycle along with a finite life span. Trees grow up, become old and will eventually die. The lifespan of a tree is greatly influenced by various natural events like the presence or absence of sun, wind, water, fires, diseases, and insects.
Did you know that chemicals along with other tree components are found in lots of everyday products? Well, they are not just found in building materials and furniture; there are also some parts of trees in paint, chewing gum, shampoo, mouthwash, toothpaste, cereals, and tires.
Trees are considered the largest of all living things. In fact, there are some species that can grow 100 meters and weigh 600 tons.
Trees are likewise known as the lungs of the world. They release oxygen, a primary element necessary to sustain life.
What is the oldest living organism? It is a rugged tree – the bristlecone pine. One specimen is actually 4,600 years old already.
Trivia Info Resource: www.martelletticontracting.com.au
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