Flossing is one of the core elements of good oral hygiene. When you floss, you remove any deep-seated food residues between teeth and gums. Flossing is also the best preventive method against plaque that builds up at the base of teeth.
How Flossing Started
But how did flossing come about and who invented it? Below is a look at the origin of flossing:
• Before the invention of modern dental floss, animal hairs such as the ones from a horse’s tail were used for flossing.
• The first thread-like form of dental floss was invented by American dentist Levi Spear Parmly. He used silk thread for the first modern dental floss. Parmly was a dentist from New Orleans. He recommended using silk floss to clean the teeth, since he believed that microbes collecting on the teeth were the primary cause of tooth decay. This was a new idea, and not widely accepted first.
• Dental floss was only marketed to the general public in the late 1800s.
• During the latter part of the 19th century, the Codman and Shurtleft Company began mass production of an unwaxed, silk dental floss.
• Johnson and Johnson began production and distribution of their version of a silk dental floss in 1896.
• During World War II, nylon dental floss became available. As of today, nylon dental floss is still the most widely used form of dental floss.
Info source: www.smilesofchandler.com
How Flossing Started
But how did flossing come about and who invented it? Below is a look at the origin of flossing:
• Before the invention of modern dental floss, animal hairs such as the ones from a horse’s tail were used for flossing.
• The first thread-like form of dental floss was invented by American dentist Levi Spear Parmly. He used silk thread for the first modern dental floss. Parmly was a dentist from New Orleans. He recommended using silk floss to clean the teeth, since he believed that microbes collecting on the teeth were the primary cause of tooth decay. This was a new idea, and not widely accepted first.
• Dental floss was only marketed to the general public in the late 1800s.
• During the latter part of the 19th century, the Codman and Shurtleft Company began mass production of an unwaxed, silk dental floss.
• Johnson and Johnson began production and distribution of their version of a silk dental floss in 1896.
• During World War II, nylon dental floss became available. As of today, nylon dental floss is still the most widely used form of dental floss.
Info source: www.smilesofchandler.com
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