Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Baths And Showers: Then And Now

Shower Head
People today can conveniently take a bath or shower due to the development of showers and other bathing equipment. Also, there are already a lot of soaps, from various sources, that people can use. Provided below are some facts about the history of baths and showers:

History Of Baths And Showers

In the ancient world, the Egyptians bathed frequently – this is why they are known for their cleanliness. Before 2,000 BC, Babylon made a form of soap. The Greeks, on the other hand, invented a form of shower – it sprayed bathers with water. Romans, however, have built aqueducts in order to bring clean water into towns. Roman baths consisted of a cold room, a warm room and a hot room.

During the 16th century, bathrooms were very rare. It was in 1767 that the first modern shower was invented by William Feetham, an Englishman. This shower included a pump that pushed water to an upper basin from where the user was standing. The bather will pull a chain in order to bring water down on himself. But in Britain, showers became common only during the 20th century.

This was followed by the English Regency Shower. It was more than 10 feet tall. It was made using several metal pieces that were painted in order to imitate bamboo. In 1850, indoor plumbing arrive and allowed such showers to be connected to running water.

In 1980s, shower manufacturers started to offer unique showers and power showers.

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