Thursday, November 6, 2014

Testosterone: Interesting Facts To Learn

testosterone problems?
Testosterone – most people think that this is all about sexuality and being aggressive. People usually correlate it to sex. But what does testosterone actually do for the body? For both men and women, the testosterone has different functions. 

While it is commonly thought that testosterone is a male hormone, women’s bodies find it useful too. It helps strengthens the bones, it helps increase energy levels, and it’s an important factor for sex drive. On the other hand, men use it to promote muscle growth, develop male characteristics, improve oxygen flow, increase energy, and increase sexual drive too.

Aside from these basics, what else do you need to know about testosterone? Here are a few interesting facts:

It helps burn body fat. Studies show that an increase in metabolism through testosterone boosting helps a person to lose weight.

Watching sports can boost your testosterone. Studies show that as you watch your favorite team playing, your brain becomes very active; you think about mental competition. This boosts your testosterone. It works the same for athletes preparing for their competitions.

Obesity reduces testosterone production. When you have a high percentage of body fat, it would be hard for your body to produce testosterone. Body fat causes stress to the body, which reduces the ability of the body to produce.

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