Legionnaire’s Disease is among the fatal illnesses any person can suffer from. In fact, medical history emphasized that this organism have wreaked havoc long before people knew its identity. Each year, about 5-10 percent of pneumonia cases are caused by such, and the mortality rate can be high as 30 percent when not treated early.
The Discovery Of The Legionnaire’s Disease Bacillus
The Legionnaire’s Disease bacillus which is later named as Legionella Pneumophila is not an ordinary microbe. It cannot grow under typical conditions. It is dependent upon various demands like high levels of amino acid cysteine and inorganic iron supplements, activated charcoal, and low sodium concentrations. Furthermore, it preferred high temperatures, which is usually abnormal among pathogens as they usually prefer near-body temperatures. The bacillus was only discovered when researchers have switched from mice to guinea pigs.
Through series of researches and analysis, it was later discovered that the Legionnaire’s Disease bacillus was spread through the air-conditioning systems, in aerosolized water droplets. Those who inhaled the aerosols inhaled the micro-organism as well. They multiplied in patrolling macrophages; thereby causing flu-like symptom, and when untreated, it will lead to pneumonia that can result in death.
Researches have emphasized that this bacillus can also be present in natural freshwater sources and even in manmade containers. Today, there are lots of Legionella water testing kits homeowners can invest in.
Trivia Info Resource: www.aquacert.co.uk
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